Saturday, November 29, 2014

Child's Soul

Hoje deixo-vos com as fantásticas pinturas de Robert Romanowicz!
(Um dos pontos positivos da Internet, para mim, é puder encontrar trabalhos tão talentosos como este!)
Today I leave you with the fantastic paintings of Robert Romanowicz!
(One of the strengths of the Internet, for me, it is the possibility to find creatives so talented like this one!)
Enjoy the lovely work!
acrylic on the plywood of the thickness 4mm
*La Torta Apetitosa*
acrylic and oil on the plywood of the thickness 4mm
*En La Cocina*
acrylic and oil on the plywood of the thickness 4mm
acrylic and oil on canvas
*Camarero Diego*
acrylic on plywood pine 4mm
*El Tambor de Hojalata*
acrylic and old page with notes on the plywood of the thickness 4mm
acrylic and page from the old book on the plywood of the thickness 4mm
*Rabbit Joe*
acrylic and oil on canvas
*Kury Weselne*
acrylic and oil on the plywood of the thickness 4mm

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