Saturday, May 23, 2015

Art Thoughts

Sometimes it's difficult say the exact words about you are thinking or about something you are feeling deeply... and then you find someone on internet, in this case a painter named Alyssa Monks, who uses the perfect words to describe "the thing".


"Focus on the materials and expand your vocabulary on how to use them."

"Experiment. Don’t try to come up with a style or voice or brand or idea. Lose yourself instead in curiosity for what attracts you. Play. Find flow."

"Explore. Be yourself. Trust yourself."

"Don’t put pressure on your art to support your life, put pressure instead on your life to support your art."

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Screw plastic dates,
Screw the false mates.
Live the life you want,
With someone or separate!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Insane & Beautiful Paintings by Amy Judd

Her work just blows my mind! It is replete of sensibility, feminism and a little bit of craziness, just the way I like it! Visually it is soft, super delicate and yet very introspective. 
In excepcional union between woman and nature I can see her veneration for the female human body, where it becomes part of nature.
Amy can mix the fragility of a nude female body with the astuteness, strength and freedom of a bird.
Apart from all the meaning and symbolism in the paintings I also love the colors, the light, the texture and the composition of her work!
O trabalho dela deixa-me sem palavras! Repleto de sensibilidade, feminismo e um pouco de loucura, tal como eu gosto. Visualmente é bastante suave, super delicado e ainda assim bastante introspectivo.
 Na excepcional união entre a mulher e a natureza, verifico a sua veneração pelo corpo humano feminino, onde o mesmo se torna parte da natureza.
 Amy consegue misturar a fragilidade de um corpo feminino nu com a astúcia, força e liberdade de uma ave.
Além de todo o significado e simbolismo nas pinturas eu ainda adoro as cores, a luz, a textura e a composição do seu trabalho!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Finger Tree

Can you see that road at the end of the hill?
Which one? That one where begins the rainbow? ... Yes, I can see it!
Good! You are in the good way.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Os estranhos dias de Inverno

Quanto me molesta...
a pele ressecada
a ponta do nariz frio
as mãos quase geladas
os pés sempre regelados
o calçado exposto às poças d’água
o quente-frio; o frio-quente
o tépido, o morno e o meio quente
o gelo, a geada e a humidade
o nevoeiro matinal
o guarda-chuva atrelado
o peso da roupa no corpo
as naftalinas e mofos alheios
a constante saudade do calor
a rapidez com que os dias se vão
o excesso de introspecção; de reflexão
o excesso de “não”
a pouca vontade, de nada!